Thursday 19 June 2008

Golden Space Needles awarded

'Blossoms' takes best film; 'Em' gets grand jury prize

Audience members gave Doris Dorris' "Cherry Blossoms -- Hanami" the best film Golden Space Needle Award at the 34th Seattle International Film Festival, which ended Sunday. The jury's grand prize went to Tony Barbieri's "Em."

At the 25-day fest, the jury awarded a special jury prize to writer-director Russell Brown for "The Bluetooth Virgin."

Within the fest's New Directors Showcase competition, the grand jury prize was awarded to Yves-Christian Fournier's "Everything Is Fine," while the special jury prize was bestowed on Anna Melikyan's "Mermaid."

The grand jury prize for documentary was presented to Isaac Julien's "Derek," and special jury prizes were awarded to Raphael Mathie's "Combalion" and Timothy Hotchner's "Accelerating America."

The short film winners were Rebecca Dreyfus' "Self Portrait With Cows Going Home and Other Works: A Portrait of Sylvia Plachy" in the documentary category, with Christina Voros' "The Ladies" picking up the special prize; Luis Cook's "The Pearce Sisters" in the animation category, with Kim Slate's "Home" winning the special prize; and Atul Taishete's "Rewind" in the narrative category. Narrative special jury prizes were handed out to Amy Gebhardt's "Walnut," Paddy Considine's "Dog Altogether," Teemu Nikki's "A Mate" and Steph Green's "New Boy."

John Grigsby's "Introduction to Lucid Dreaming" and Adam Keker's "On the Assassination of the President" earned honorable mentions for inventive filmmaking.

Rose McAleese's "Disorder" claimed the FutureWave Jury's Grand Jury Prize WaveMaker Award. Honorable mentions went to Misami Kubo's "4th Floor"; Meng Mao, Eli Shalcross, Charlie Shelton, and Matt Yaggy's "Driving to the New Age: American Automobiles and You"; and Dave Riff's "New Perspective."

Anthony O'Brien's "Perfect Sport" was the MyFestival Feature Film winner, and John Burish's "Robbie's Withdrawel" was the MyFestival Short Film winner.

MyFestival special recognition awards went to Jason Goodman's "Eternal City" and Kirsten Alaqidy's "Hot Wind: America's Fallout Casualties."

In addition to "Cherry Blossom -- Hanami," other audience winners that scored Space Needle Awards were:

Best documentary: Denny Tedesco's "The Wrecking Crew"

Best director: Amin Matalqa for "Captain Abu Raed"

Best actor: Alan Rickman for "Bottle Shock"

Best actress: Jessica Chastain for "Jolene"

Best short film: Andreas Utta's "Felix"

Lena Sharpe Award, given to the film by a woman director that receives the most votes from the public: Courtney Hunt's "Frozen River."

See Also

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Phil Collins' model daughter lands TV job

Phil Collins' 18-year-old daughter Lily has landed a job as a television presenter for Nickelodeon.
The teenager, who currently works as a model, is studying broadcast journalism at the University of Southern California.
Collins will act as a roving entertainment correspondent for the children's channel, reporting from the sets of Nickelodeon television series, movie premieres, awards shows, concerts and other celebrity events.
Last year the young model was a guest correspondent on the network's 'Slime Across America' tour.
She also helped out with E! Entertainment's red-carpet Oscars coverage last weekend.

Friday 6 June 2008

Heater Mills advices woman seeking divorce

London (ANI): Setting herself as an example, Heather Mills has offered an advice to a woman on how to deal with divorce. The 40-year-old former, who recently bagged 24 million pounds from ex husband Sir Paul McCartney in a divorce deal, gave suggestions to a woman enduring a 'painful' split. "Be strong like me. It might take a few years, but you can come out the other side and be a better person," The Sun quoted Mills, as saying. The unnamed woman said: "I guess she knows what she's talking about." Mills recently launched a taunting attack on the former Beatle, wishing him luck with his 'three girlfriends.' In her first television interview since winning a 24.3million-pound divorce settlement, Mills accused the veteran singer of having three girlfriends.