Sunday 7 September 2008

More Training, Improved Tools Needed For African Health Workers Performing Male Circumcisions, Study Finds

African wellness workers playacting male circumcision in an effort to curb the spread of HIV motive better tools and more than training to avoid high rates of complications, according to a World Health Organization work published Monday in the WHO Bulletin, Reuters Health reports. The authors conducted the written report among 1,007 participants, 298 of whom were physically examined by the authors. The researchers likewise intervened when they ascertained complications. According to the study, complications such as bleeding, infection, excessive pain and erectile dysfunction occurred in as many as 35% of males circumcised in Kenya's Bungoma territory by traditional practitioners, with an estimated 6% of patients experiencing lifelong problems.

Although male circumcision is practised universally in Bungoma, the study aforesaid many clinicians in Bungoma were non trained formally and lacked clean and sharp instruments. The study also establish that the rate of complications in public clinics was 18%. The study's findings have "raised questions" about how quickly male person circumcision should be included as part of HIV prevention strategies supported by WHO and UNAIDS, according to Reuters Health. The study authors said extensive training and resources ar needed to "build the capacity of health facilities in sub-Saharan Africa" in front male circumcision can be included in prevention strategies. They added that the high rate of complications "should likewise serve as an alarum to ministries of wellness and the international health community that focus cannot only be on areas where circumcision prevalence is low." The authors over that wellness workers should be provided with preparation in sterilization techniques, surgical procedures, nuisance management, postoperative care and counseling around wound care before male circumcision is implemented on a wide scale (MacInnis, Reuters Health, 9/1).

The study is available on-line.

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